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Features Fungicides Seed & Chemical
New foliar fungicide for winter wheat and soybeans

Oct. 6, 2014 - Bayer CropScience has launched Stratego PRO fungicide, a broad spectrum fungicide with two modes of action (Group 3 and Group 11) to prevent and treat a wide range of diseases in winter wheat and soybeans. Stratego PRO is available for the 2015 growing season.

According to a news release, the fungicide attacks fungal metabolism and prevents spore germination to provide a long-lasting barrier against diseases. On winter wheat, the fungicide provides control against septoria leaf blotch and powdery mildew. In soybeans, Stratego PRO controls Asian soybean rust, frogeye leaf spot and brown spot, and suppresses white mould, charcoal rot and stem blight.

Research trials for Stratego PRO showed that by effectively controlling labeled diseases, the fungicide delivers incremental yield and profitability. Field studies proved up to five per cent yield increase in wheat (vs. Stratego) and an eight per cent increase in soybeans (vs. untreated).

Stratego PRO is registered for ground and aerial application and should be applied as a preventive disease control measure, or at the very early stages of disease development. Stratego will continue to be available for spring wheat and other cereals.



October 6, 2014  By Top Crop Manager


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