Top Crop Manager

News Harvesting
Low precipitation helps with harvest progress on the Prairies

October 14, 2020  By Top Crop Manager

Manitoba (as of Oct. 13)

Provincially, harvest is 95 per cent complete – well above the three-year average of 79 per cent for this time of year. Harvest of most crops is essentially complete (98+ per cent).

Soybean (92 per cent) and flax (86 per cent) harvests are almost complete; sunflower (43 per cent) and grain corn (49 per cent) harvests are nearing the halfway mark, and both are more than 30 per cent ahead of their respective three-year averages.

Precipitation was in short supply for most of the province, which is good news for those harvesting and drying crops. However, some producers are waiting for rain to soften the soil to continue fieldwork or begin fertilizer applications.

For the full crop report, visit the Manitoba Agriculture website.

Saskatchewan (as of Oct. 5)

Harvest continued through the week ending Oct. 5, with progress at 96 per cent. This is 20 per cent ahead of the five-year average, and 41 per cent more than last year at this time. While precipitation was low, the cold, damp conditions delayed harvest in some regions.

Provincially, most crops are almost completely harvested (95+ per cent). Canola (92 per cent), flax (86 per cent) and soybeans (81 per cent) are nearing harvest completion.

Yields for spring and durum wheat, barley, canola, field peas and lentils are around average, and on track with estimates from early September. The summer’s low moisture and high temperatures are reported to have caused some yield loss.

For the full crop report, visit the Saskatchewan Agriculture website.

Alberta (as of Oct. 6)

Precipitation since Sept. 1 has been low across the province, and extremely low in the northern regions. These regions have only received 15-20 mm of rain in the past month, which has the probability of only happening once in 25 to 50 years. This has had the benefit, combined with warm temperatures, of allowing farmers to make significant harvesting progress.

Ninety per cent of crops have been harvested provincially, which is 29 per cent ahead of the five-year average and 20 per cent ahead of the 10-year average.

Provincially, most crops are nearing harvesting completion (90+ per cent). Canola (85 per cent) and oats (84.2 per cent) are in the home stretch of harvest, flax (78.3 per cent) is making good progress, and sugar beet harvest (32.5 per cent) has begun.

As for estimated yields of spring wheat, barley, oats, canola and dry pea, the South and Central regions are seeing significantly higher yields than the five- and 10-year averages. The North East region’s estimated yields are slightly better than the five- and 10-year averages, while the North West and Peace Regions’ estimated yields are 24 and 14 per cent lower than the five-year average respectively.

For the full crop report, including more detailed regional breakdowns, visit the Alberta Ag website.


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