Top Crop Manager

Features Agronomy Cereals
INTRODUCTION: Looking ahead

With the harvest of wheat now behind us, there's a break before edible beans

November 12, 2007  By Peter Darbishire

4aWinter wheat represents the first step in the planning process for all major
field crops for many growers in eastern Canada: the soybean-wheat-corn rotation
is a proven combination, with each contributing in many ways to the success
of the others as well as to the success of reduced cost techniques, like no-till.

This issue includes several stories on winter wheat which should assist and
encourage you in making this one of your mainstays. Also, there are some thought-provoking
and profit-making ideas, like the use of cover crops to reduce weed control
and fertility costs while providing benefits for the soil.

With the harvest of wheat now behind us, there's a break before edible beans,
the next cut of hay and haylage, and this is why we chose this timing for a
new edition of Top Crop Manager: we believe in publishing practical documentary
style reference information during periods when you have time to read them and
use them to improve your profitability!


Fall brings opportunities in several areas, including weed control, soil testing,
fertilizer and manure application, as well as planting winter wheat, a crop
that continues to make advances in total acreage.

I want to acknowledge the assistance of the numerous advisory personnel who
have contributed to the stories in this first August issue and the focus on
winter wheat. We especially thank the Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board
for its assistance. -30-
Peter Darbishire, Editor



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