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Government invests $100,000 in oat research

October 24, 2022  By Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

AAFC will invest up to $106,000 in the Prairie Oat Growers Association for new research trials to better understand the role oats play in disease prevention. Findings from this project will help create new market opportunities for Canadian oat producers.

With funding under the AgriScience Program, the St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre in Winnipeg is working with the association to conduct animal feeding trials with oats. The goal is to determine exactly how oat protein is digested and what effect it has on reducing cholesterol and blood glucose levels. The data, which is expected to be published and peer-reviewed by early 2023, is part of a verification process needed to make a health claim that oat protein can positively affect cholesterol and blood glucose.

A new health claim about oat protein could help the industry further diversify market opportunities, stimulate increased demand and economic benefits for Canadian oat growers, while contributing to healthier diets for consumers.


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