Top Crop Manager

News Canola
Clubroot control potential with Mustgrow bio-pesticide

May 27, 2020  By Top Crop Manager

A new method of clubroot control for canola growers is showing promise. TerraMG, a mustard-derived liquid bio-pesticide patented by MustGrow Biologics Corp., has achieved 100 per cent control of clubroot spores after 24 hours through an independent third-party laboratory test.

MustGrow is an agricultural biotech company developing natural, science-based biological crop protection products. There are currently limited control options for canola once it has infested a field, and crop loss is a common outcome of clubroot infections.

Testing and control were completed using a low application rate, indicating that TerraMG has the potential to be an economic option for canola growers. This initial proof-of-concept work was completed at laboratory scale and MustGrow will now replicate the trials in greenhouse facilities, and then if successful, in larger field studies.

“We are extremely excited to now advance our clubroot work to the next testing stage to potentially provide a valuable crop-protection tool for farmers. I know how important canola is for farmers in Western Canada, and on my family farm as well,” said Colin Bletsky, COO of MustGrow. “I’m proud to think that we can potentially provide a Saskatchewan-based solution to help control this devastating disease.”

MustGrow’s bio-pesticide has confirmed 100 per cent control of other soil-borne diseases and pathogens including Fusarium, Botrytis, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Verticillium, Phytophthora, Sclerotinia, and nematodes. Further work will determine if the same product will control clubroot in larger scale greenhouse and field tests.


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