Top Crop Manager

News Seeding/Planting
Ontario corn producers switching to shorter season hybrids or soybeans

June 10, 2019  By Top Crop Manager

With continued rainfall, some Ontario corn growers continue to switch to shorter season hybrids or are switching their intended corn acres to soybeans, according to the latest crop report from Ontario’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA).

Corn progress was made during the first week of June in areas with lighter textured soils and as of June 3, those areas have upwards of 80 per cento of their intended corn acres planted. However, regions with heavier textured soils such as Lambton, Essex, Niagara and Middlesex have 30 per cent of their corn acres planted. Overall, OMAFRA estimated about 60 per cent of all intended corn acres are planted in the province.

In response to wet weather, Agricorp has extended the production insurance planting deadlines for corn and soybeans in southwestern and eastern Ontario. The planting deadline for corn extends by two days and the deadline for soybeans extends by five days. For producers switching their intended corn acres to soybeans, the extension allows them to plant soybeans up until June 25 (in northern Ontario) or until July 5 (southwest and eastern Ontario).

Western bean cutworm (WBC) is being reported in fields with heavy chickweed pressure and WBC trapping should begin in early June. For producers concerned about the risk of deoxynivalenol (DON), recent research out of the University of Guelph Ridgetown campus found that WBC damage can exacerbate DON concentrations in corn.

Other highlights from the latest crop report include:

  • Less than 10 per cent of soybean acres are estimated to be planted across the province.
  • Soybean seeding rates should be increased by 10 per cent to help compensate for planted with fewer pods, and after June 15, seeding rates should be bumped up by another 10 per cent.
  • Given the continued wet conditions, the risk for Fusarium head blight in winter wheat is expected to be high. If a susceptible variety was grown or if the crop was planted after corn or wheat, the risk is even greater and a T3 fungicide application is recommended.
  • If canola was not planted before the end of last week (June 7), producers are encouraged to switch to another crop because harvesting in September/October can be a challenge.

Read the latest crop report from OMAFRA’s field crop team.


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