Top Crop Manager

News Forages
OMAFRA: How did 2023’s forage crops fare?

November 14, 2023  By Top Crop Manager

From fall 2022 to now, how have forage crops fared? The OMAFRA Field Crop News team has created a summary of overwintering conditions and survival, hay and haylage, pastures and annual forage crops, and weather and pest factors affecting crop quality and survival.

Alfalfa weevil pressure was high in southwestern Ontario, and control options were limited as a result of the Pest Management Regulatory Agency re-evaluation that cancelled lambda-cyhalothrin products for all feed uses, effective April 29. Regrowth in some fields struggled to get ahead of weevil pressure.

Overall, feed inventories tend to be above normal, but some of this is due to carry-over from last year. Yields for 2023 tended to be average or above average. |READ MORE


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