Top Crop Manager

News Seeding/Planting
Olds College’s Smart Farm receives innovative seeding equipment

October 4, 2023  By Top Crop Manager

SeedMaster Manufacturing Ltd. announced a new 10-year partnership with Olds College of Agriculture & Technology to sponsor seeding equipment for the Olds College Smart Farm.

“We are pleased to support Olds College through this sponsorship,” says Tim Criddle, global sales director at SeedMaster. “By providing the SeedMaster Toolbar and UltraPro II 550 on-frame seeding system we can combine our precise seed placement and uniform product distribution with the college’s cutting-edge research and education programs.”

SeedMaster, based in Emerald Park, Sask., develops and manufactures seeding technology. This new partnership with Olds College is part of SeedMaster’s commitment to innovation to help farmers grow crops more profitably.

As part of the partnership, SeedMaster will be providing Olds College with the SeedMaster Toolbar, with its dual-knife opener that delivers precise seed and fertilizer placement, and the UltraPro II 550, which provides gentle seed handling and individual row metering.


Olds College will use SeedMaster equipment to support its Smart Farm operations, to conduct research activities and to provide learning opportunities to students in the Heavy Equipment Technician Program as well as other programs that the college offers.

“Partnerships like this are the lifeblood of the work we do here at the College,” says Todd Ormann, vice-president of development at Olds College. “Without generous donations like this we would be unable to deliver the education and research needed to support the agriculture industry. Modern technology like this is critical in developing the learnings around seeding applications that support increased yields and environmental stewardship. We truly thank SeedMaster for this donation.”

SeedMaster will provide the equipment to Olds College for the 2024 and 2025 growing seasons and replace it with new equipment with similar specifications in two-year intervals.

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