Top Crop Manager

News Desiccants
Growers may face marketing restrictions for lentils treated with glufosinate

August 13, 2019  By Top Crop Manager

One grain company, with the potential for others, will no longer be accepting lentils treated with glufosinate ammonium, according to the Alberta Pulse Growers (APG).

Glufosinate is registered for use as a desiccant on lentils and found on label for the product MPower Good Harvest.

There are currently maximum residue limits (MRLs) for glufosinate in place in the European Union and Japan, but at very low levels. MRLs are not established in the United States of as part of CODEX, a collection of international food safety standards and guidelines for international trade.

Reporting by Glacier Farm Media revealed that the unmentioned company in the APG update is Cargill, one of the world’s largest grain companies. In an announcement to growers on Friday, Cargill announced “it will now have a no tolerance restriction on glufosinate ammonia in its grain delivery terms for lentils, including lentils that have had the Group 10 herbicide applied in 2019.”

The company cited inconsistent MRLs for glufosinate ammonia as the reason for the total restriction and added that not allowing the desiccant will preserve market access for Canadian growers.

Growers are encouraged to consult with their grain buyers before applying glufosinate or other harvest-aid products, to understand any marketing restrictions.


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