Top Crop Manager

News Farming Community
Donations from Saskatchewan producers to help local food banks

September 22, 2023  By Top Crop Manager

AGT Foods, in partnership with Food Banks Canada and Drive Away Hunger, have announced the AGT Food Bank Crop Exchange Program, which connects producers across Saskatchewan with food banks in their communities. The program asks producers to donate a portion of their crop delivery when they deliver to their local AGT Foods delivery location, the proceeds from which go to support local food banks across Saskatchewan and Western Canada.

Producers simply commit to an amount and “round down” their delivery for donation. For example, if their delivery load to AGT Foods is 40 MT and they choose to donate one MT, local and provincial food banks will get a dollar-for-dollar food credit with AGT Foods toward pasta, rice, pulses and staple foods. Producers will also receive a taxable receipt for their one MT donation, at fair market value and payment for the 39 MT delivery.

Contact your AGT Grain Buyer or visit for more information on how to donate and to sign up today.



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