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Ag groups team up to plan a more sustainable future

Agriculture and conservation groups from across Canada have unveiled a plan to create a sustainable future for the country’s agri-environmental landscape.

December 8, 2016  By Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Crops

This vision, announced on Dec. 7 at the GrowCanada Conference in Ottawa, would see Canadian farmers meeting the growing demand for increased production while conserving and restoring ecosystem health such as soil, water and wildlife, and managing climate risk for future generations.

Using science as the cornerstone and collaboration to achieve their goals, agriculture and conservation leaders from Canadian Federation of Agriculture, CropLife Canada, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Fertilizer Canada, Grain Growers of Canada, Soil Conservation Council of Canada, and the World Wildlife Fund Canada were involved in the development of this vision for a sustainable future.

Brought to life at a workshop led by the Soil Conservation Council of Canada, the CRSC will use this vision to work toward 12 outcomes by 2026. The first one starts with Canada being recognized as an innovative leader in the area of sustainable agriculture.

“The CRSC is proud to have been part of developing this vision,” said Mark Brock, chair of the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Crops (CRSC) steering committee, in a press release. “Sustainability is the common ground between environmental and agricultural interests and we thank all the founding organizations for their involvement; in particular, the leadership of Maria Trainer and Paul Thoroughgood. We applaud them for discovering things we can agree on, rather than focusing on those we cannot and inspiring our entire sector. To realize this vision, actions must be taken, and the CRSC looks forward to being part of the work that lies ahead.”

The entire vision statement is available at


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