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Welcome aid for livestock producers

Word that federal relief funds are being made available to struggling cattle and hog producers across Canada is being met with praise by members of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA).

February 26, 2008  By Canadian Federation of Agriculture

February 25, 2008

OTTAWA  –The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) is welcoming the measures announced today by Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Gerry Ritz to assist struggling Canadian hog and cattle producers. The changes to key programs will provide relief and renewed confidence for the industry.

"These measures give our hard-hit livestock producers more tools for overcoming the obstacles they face and getting through this difficult time," said Bob Friesen, CFA President. "I want to thank Minister Ritz and his government for consulting with industry and delivering this much-needed boost."

A number of factors have come together over the past year to create a ‘perfect storm’ for the livestock industry, including: rising input costs, a high Canadian dollar affecting exports, and reduced domestic slaughter capacity. The design of existing government programs severely limited the ability of producers to access funds to keep their operations viable through the difficult time. The changes proposed by the government to the Advance Payments Program (APP) under the Agricultural Marketing Products Act (AMPA) will give producers easier and longer-term access to immediate cash flow.

"It is not exaggerating to say the measures contained in this legislation are needed by producers immediately," said Friesen. "We therefore call on the opposition parties and the Senate to come together and push this Bill through the legislative process with all possible speed."

Founded in 1935 to provide Canada's farmers with a single voice in Ottawa, the Canadian Federation of Agriculture is the country's largest farmers' organization. Its members include provincial general farm organizations as well as national and inter-provincial commodity organizations from every province. Through its members, CFA represents over 200,000 Canadian farmers and farm families.


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