Top Crop Manager

New clubroot-resistant canola hybrid released

June 14, 2016 - Syngenta Canada Inc. has launched a new Genuity Roundup Ready hybrid canola variety to its line-up.

According to a news release, SY4187 brings market-leading genetics to growers in the form of high yield potential, strong clubroot resistance and multi-genic blackleg resistance. The hybrid is best suited for the mid- to long-season maturity zones of Western Canada.

SY4187 ranked among the top yielding hybrids in the 2015 Canola Performance Trials, Public Co-op Trials and Syngenta field trials. It also has excellent standability, which makes the variety easy to swath and delivers time savings at harvest.

SY4187 will be available for sale in the fall of 2016 for spring 2017 seeding.

To learn more about SY4187 and the Syngenta canola seed portfolio, please contact your local Syngenta representative, visit or contact our Customer Interaction Centre at 1-87-SYNGENTA (1-877-964-3682).


June 14, 2016  By Top Crop Manager


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