Top Crop Manager

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Manitoba releases 2022 Seeded Acreage Report variety information

September 30, 2022  By Top Crop Manager

Manitoba Agriculture Services Corporation (MASC) has released its 2022 Seeded Acreage Report. The report contains variety information compiled from the MASC database as of Aug. 22. The report summarizes which varieties are present in Manitoba crops from alfalfa, canola and lentils to fall rye and fescue seed.

The report lists seed genetic origin and does not necessarily reflect certified seed sales. Reseeded acres are “double counted” in the analysis.

Canola Argentine (Canola) has the highest number of acres reported at more than 3.2 million acres, which is comprised of more than 100 varieties. Varieties L340PC (LT) and L233P (LT) {PSR-R} are the most predominant, representing 25 per cent and 23.5 per cent of all acres planted. All other varieties represent single-digit percentages of acres planted.

Red spring wheat is the next-most predominant crop in Manitoba at 2.5 million acres planted. AAC Brandon is the most common variety at 45 per cent, followed by AAC Starbuck at 20.3 per cent.

See the full report here.


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