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First annual soybean yield challenge winners announced


First annual soybean yield challenge winners announced
The Ontario Soybean Growers held its innaugural Soybean Yield Challenge in 2008, and the nine winners from three different maturity zones of the province were announced on Thursday.

December 19, 2008  By Ontario Soybean Growers

December 19, 2008 

Guelph, Ontario -Winners of the Ontario Soybean Growers’ (OSG) first annual Soybean Yield Challenge competition have been announced.  Three finalists for each of three provincial soybean maturity zones received prizes, for a total of nine winners.  They were chosen from among the forty growers across Ontario who entered the competition by the July 31st deadline. 

The finalists, who were recognized for their outstanding 2008 soybean yields, participated in a yield factors panel discussion at the OSG Committee Members’ meeting “We established the Soybean Yield Challenge competition to help raise growers’ awareness of the factors affecting soybean yields”, reports OSG Chairman Leo Guilbeault.  “The yield management observations shared by the competition winners at today’s meeting resulted in a very informative farmer-to-farmer exchange of ideas”.  “We really appreciate all participants taking the time throughout the season, and particularly during harvest, to gather the necessary data for the competition”, added Crosby Devitt, OSG Research and Innovation Manager.  “At the end of the day, this competition is about growers learning more about how to achieve great soybean yields”. 

The 2008 OSG Soybean Yield Challenge competition winners are: 

Zone 1 – 2700 CHU and under:

Winner:  Dan Shantz, Petersburg – 69.1 bushels per acre

1st Runner-up:  John Nanne, Pakenham – 66.0 bushels per acre

2nd Runner-up:  Wm. A. Miller, Milverton – 64.2 bushels per acre

Zone 2 –2725 CHU to 3000 CHU:

Winner:  John Denys, Parkhill – 70.22 bushels per acre

1st Runner-up:  Tom Feeney, Dublin – 62.8 bushels per acre

2nd Runner-up:  Brian & Elisabeth Vandenberg, Winchester – 61.5 bushels per acre

Zone 3 – 3025 CHU & above

Winner:  Casey Klaver, Seaforth – 72.1 bushels per acre

1st Runner-up:  Jay Futcher, St. Thomas – 60.3 bushels per acre

2nd Runner-up:  Wayne & Shawn Paling, Dresden – 59.8 bushels per acre


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