ADAMA adds four new herbicides for cereal broadleaf weed control
March 19, 2024 By Top Crop Manager
ADAMA Agricultural Solutions Canada Ltd. is introducing new cereal broadleaf herbicides to its portfolio. FORCEFIGHTER ALL IN™, ESTEEM ALL IN™, RUSH 24 ALL IN™ and OUTSHINE ALL IN™ join ADAMA Canada’s expanding ALL IN group of products to deliver more innovation and convenience to customers.
“We often use the term ‘formulation mastery,’ which in this case means upgrading existing and new formulations based on customer input to be more environmentally friendly, efficacious and convenient,” says Ambrely Ralph, herbicide product manager for ADAMA Canada. “Each of these four new cereal broadleaf ALL IN’s convert a traditional co-pack into a formulated product resulting in more concentrated packaging and the option to add bulk options. It’s part of our unapologetic devotion to create the best crop protection products on as many levels as we can, while keeping our proven products available.”
ADAMA says growers and retailers can expect less packaging, less hassle and time mixing ingredients, less product waste and a simplified application process overall.
“Weed resistance has become one of the biggest concerns across all acres in Canada’s broadleaf and grassy weed categories,” says Patty Soloducha, technical sales agronomist for ADAMA in Saskatchewan. “Many growers want the enhanced convenience of ADAMA’s key active ingredients to support them in making the right agronomic choices for current and future weed control in their cereal crops. We continue to work on more options in our extensive pipeline to address resistance issues.”
Within ADAMA’s entire portfolio of herbicides, a grower can access a variety of products with multiple modes of action to help ensure their cereal acres are as weed-free as possible at every stage of growth: pre-seed, in-crop and post-harvest. ADAMA’s ALL IN Cereal Broadleaf portfolio contains options for wheat, barley and oat crops, each tailored for different broadleaf weed control needs.