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Above average warm and dry conditions in some Manitoba regions

Precipitation was limited in most parts of the province, according to Manitoba Agriculture's latest crop report.

June 13, 2018  By Manitoba Agriculture

While parts of southwest and northwest Mantioba are the exception, most areas could use more rain. The drier conditions have yet to impact soil in the eastern region but soil moisture levels are declining in the interlake region. 

The drier warmer conditions are not all bad news. Crops have benefitted from the warm temperatures and good progress is being made on weed control operations. However, windy conditions in some regions have made herbicide applications challenging.

Seeding is complete in central, eastern and interlake regions, with small amounts remaining in the southwest and northwest regions. Overall seeding progress is estimated at 99 per cent complete across Manitoba. 

Dairy producers have started first cut haying operations. Across regions, yields are below average because of the drier conditions. 


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