Insect Pests
OMAFRA conducts CLB survey, partners with AAFC for parasitoid research
May 18, 2021 By Top Crop Manager
OMAFRA is gathering data on cereal leaf beetle (CLB) this year, and they need grower input.
Tracey Baute, field crop entomologist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), asks that, if you come across CLB while scouting your fields, you complete the CLB location survey and provide:
- where you are finding this pest;
- what stage they’re at; and
- how many you are finding.
Baute also requests that growers collect 15 to 30 CLB larvae and send them to Haley Catton, field crop entomologist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) in Lethbridge, Alta. Catton will check the larvae for the presence of a parasitoid wasp that would help control CLB populations. |READ MORE
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