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2018 Seasonal Insect Pest Summary released

OMAFRA staff share their 2018 seasonal insect pest summary for the province of Ontario. Swede midge, armyworm and western bean cutworm were not big problems for canola, wheat and corn compared to previous years. In contrast, pests like cereal leaf beetle, alfalfa weevil, soybean aphids and pea aphids reached thresholds in some fields.

October 1, 2018  By FieldCropNews

Other unexpected pests included thrips and corn rootworm. The hot growing season resulted in scouting for stink bugs, tarnished plant blug and spider mites late into the season, which are pests that thrive in hotter weather. OMAFRA staff say insecticide resistance by spider mites, western bean cutworm and soybean aphids are concerns that will face Ontario growers in the near future as resistance is being documented in nearby jurisdictions. | READ MORE


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