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Species at Risk Farm Incentive Program cost-share

October 28, 2014 - The Species at Risk Farm Incentive Program (SARFIP) is a cost-share program available to farm businesses across Ontario.

It provides funding for producers implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) that enhance and protect natural spaces on farms, supporting sustainable production. Cost-share is available at 40-80 per cent, for a variety of practices across the province.

Applicants identify preferred cost-share level based on set criteria and interest in species at risk. The lowest level does not require a connection to SAR, where the highest level of cost-share requires it. SARFIP is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests (OMNRF) through the Species At Risk Stewardship Fund, and the Government of Canada through the Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk.

Click here to download the 2014 SARFIP brochure.

October 28, 2014  By OSCIA


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