Top Crop Manager

Pesticide survey seeks participants

June 25, 2014, Guelph, Ont. - Ontario growers of field crops, fruit, vegetables and specialty crops are being encouraged to take part in a confidential pesticide survey. This confidential survey is being conducted by Farm & Food Care Ontario on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Ministry of Rural Affairs (OMAF and MRA).

According to Farm & Food Care, the government, commodity boards and researchers use the information from the survey summary to help improve minor use pesticide registration lists, to work toward safer use of pesticides and to understand trends in use and the types of crop protection products used.

Surveys have been conducted every five years since 1973. The survey is anonymous; only a respondent's county, crop type, crop protection products used, acres applied and also acres where no pesticides are applied or organic practices are used are entered in the database. Producers can fill in data periodically throughout the growing season as products are used on a field or enter data once at the end of the season.

The 2014 survey template is available in an online format at Farm & Food Care will also accept mail-in, fax or email returns of the survey.

Data collection will continue until February 13, 2015.


June 25, 2014  By Top Crop Manager


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