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CSTA gets funding boost

Nov. 13, 2013, Winnipeg, MB - The federal government is investing $100,000 to boost the efforts of the Canadian Seed Trade Association (CSTA) in its efforts to promote trade and reduce non-tariff trade barriers.

The investment will support the CSTA's work on the world stage to develop international consensus on issues that affect the trade of seed, as well as working with foreign regulators and policy-makers to reduce non-tariff barriers to trade. A government of Canada news releases states this will lead to improving the international rules governing the trade of seed and set the foundation for increased export sales for Canadian producers.

Canada is the world's fifth largest exporter of seed.

CSTA is a non-profit association that represents a broad cross-section of Canadian businesses that research, produce and market seed, both domestically and internationally. Members range from those who market garden seed and herbs to large grain handlers and multinational seed companies. CSTA's mission is to foster seed innovation and trade.

November 13, 2013  By Top Crop Manager


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