Top Crop Manager

News Business & Policy
StatsCan launches 2021 Census of Agriculture

May 3, 2021  By Top Crop Manager

Statistics Canada (StatsCan) has launched the 2021 Census of Population and Census of Agriculture, starting today.

Canadians will receive their census letter in the mail with instructions on how to complete their questionnaire online, on paper or over the phone. Once the letter or paper questionnaire is received, visit with the 16-digit secure access code included and select the “start questionnaire” button.

“The 2021 Census will help us to better understand the impacts of the pandemic for different population groups and communities across the country and ensure we have good data for planning for a post-pandemic recovery and beyond.”

– Anil Arora, chief statistician of Canada, StatsCan

Census questionnaires are assigned by household, and the Census of Population enumerates the entire Canadian population. This includes Canadian citizens (by birth or naturalization), landed immigrants, refugee claimants (e.g., asylum seekers), Canadian Foreign Service officers, Canadian Armed Forces members stationed abroad, and people who hold a work or study permit.

The census highlights key socioeconomic trends and allows statisticians to analyze these trends and associated data to make policy decisions that fit the nation’s current situation.

Statistics Canada will do everything it can to get Canadians to respond to the census without an in-person visit from a census employee. Completing the census questionnaire online is the best and easiest way to fulfill the census obligation.

Canadian farm operators will be asked to complete the 2021 Census of Agriculture questionnaire to help update Canada’s agricultural profile. Farm operators will receive their letter with instructions on how to complete the Census of Agriculture questionnaire online. All follow-up contact will be performed by mail, email or phone. The Census help line (1-855-859-6273) will be available to farm operators from May until end of July to answer any questions and help with completing the questionnaire.

In the current context of COVID-19, Census of Agriculture data is vital to understanding the impacts of the crisis on the agricultural community, including supply chain and trade disruptions, and food security.

Census of Agriculture data provides Canadians with critical and accurate statistical information to manage federal and provincial government expenditures in support of the agriculture sector, including natural disaster and disease outbreak programming and compensation, establishing program payment caps, performance reporting and food safety issues.


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