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What is new in canola seed?

Top Crop Manager has assembled a list of new varieties that are being introduced in commercial quantities for the 2011 growing season. The information is provided by the respective canola seed companies. Growers are encouraged to look at third party trials for further performance and agronomic information. Talk to local seed suppliers to see how new varieties also performed in local trials.

November 30, 1999  By Top Crop Manager

Top Crop Manager has assembled a list of new varieties that are being introduced in commercial quantities for the 2011 growing season. The information is provided by the respective canola seed companies. Growers are encouraged to look at third party trials for further performance and agronomic information. Talk to local seed suppliers to see how new varieties also performed in local trials.

Bayer CropScience
Bayer has two new InVigor varieties launched for the 2011 growing season.

InVigor L130 has an excellent combination of early maturity and high yield potential, outyielding the checks (46A65 and Q2) by 136 percent. It is R rated for blackleg, and is medium height with excellent lodging resistance.

InVigor L150 is the first hybrid to ever be registered in Canada with a yield greater than 140 percent of the new checks (46A65 and Q2). It is R rated for blackleg, has maturity equal to the average of the checks, and is medium height with excellent lodging resistance.

Also new for 2011 is a naming system that is based on actual hybrid attributes that will enable growers to understand what is inside the bag, simply by reading the outside of the bag. The first letter designates herbicide tolerance, with L representing LibertyLink. The first number specifies the series; the second number the maturity rating (3 = early; 5 = mid; 7 = long); and the third number signifies the hybrid’s chronological place in the series.

Brett Young Seeds
6060 RR is a new Roundup Ready hybrid. A yield of 134 percent relative to 46A65 and Q2 in the 2008 and 2009 Co-op trials makes it one of the top potential yielding hybrids in the Roundup Ready category. 6060 RR is rated R for blackleg and Fusarium wilt. The 6060 RR plant has an impressive canopy that has excellent standability and impressive pod development. Its maturity rating is 2.2 days longer than 46A65 and Q2.

5535 CL is a new Clearfield hybrid. 5535 CL captures both earlier maturity and excellent yield potential in a single hybrid. It yielded 127 percent of 46A65 and Q2 across all growing zones and yielded 131 percent of the same checks in the mid- and short-season zones where earlier maturity is often a benefit. The maturity rating for 5535 CL, relative to 46A65 and Q2, is 1.95 days earlier. It is R for blackleg and fusarium.

CANTERRA 1970 (name is pending) is an extremely high yielding Genuity Roundup Ready (GENRR) hybrid canola that yielded 131 percent of checks in the 2009 Western Canada Canola/Rapeseed Recommending Committee (WCC/RRC) trials. It is rated R to blackleg and Fusarium wilt and has excellent standability. This is the highest yielding canola ever introduced from CANTERRA SEEDS.

CANTERRA 1960 is a strong performing GENRR hybrid developed with clubroot resistance. It yielded 121 percent of checks in the WCC/RRC trials and is rated R to blackleg and Fusarium wilt.

CANTERRA 1918 is a GENRR open-pollinated variety that yielded 109 percent of 71-45RR in in-house trials. It is rated MR to blackleg and R to Fusarium wilt, and has very good lodging resistance with maturity suited to all growing zones.

Visit to learn where to buy new CANTERRA canola varieties.

Cargill Speciality Oil Victory hybrids
V1040 is a breakthrough hybrid that offers higher yields, enhanced standability and industry leading blackleg resistance. In 2009, v1040 yielded 101 percent of DKL 72-65. With v1040, growers get the best of both worlds: a high-yielding hybrid canola coupled with unique financial tools to help them minimize risk and gain a premium price. v1040 is available at Cargill and select independent retailers for contracting for 2011 as part of the Cargill Specialty Canola Program.

The new Dekalb brand hybrids have an enhanced level of performance in terms of yield potential, maturity and disease package. All hybrids are also rated R for blackleg and Fusarium wilt. The new hybrids in the 73 series include:

73-35 RR – A short season hybrid, representing Monsanto’s ongoing efforts to find solutions for the unique challenges facing growers in short season zones.

73-45 RR – The highest yielding hybrid ever introduced into the Dekalb brand lineup, for growers seeking maximum yield potential from their canola.

73-55 RR – Another top-yielding hybrid with performance potential comparable to 73-45 RR, to be sold exclusively at independent retailers.

73-65 RR – A high yielding hybrid specifically adapted to offer extremely strong performance in the long season zone.

73-67 RR and 73-77 RR – Two Clubroot-resistant hybrids developed to address the expanding threat of this disease.

Dow AgroSciences plans to introduce two Nexera canola Clearfield Hybrid varieties for spring 2011 planting. The Nexera canola Clearfield Hybrid varieties were included in Dow AgroSciences grower seeded demonstration trials in 2010. Nexera Clearfield Hybrid seed will be in limited supply for 2011.

The Dow AgroSciences Global Canola Research Centre continues to expand with more greenhouse space and a doubling of the lab space. By the end of 2010, Dow AgroSciences will have 50 full-time employees working in their Saskatoon facility.
Pioneer Hi-Bred
45S52 is a Roundup Ready hybrid with built-in sclerotinia resistance via the Pioneer Protector Sclerotinia resistance trait. It has a yield potential of 119 percent of checks (AWPQ2 and 46A65). It has an MR rating for blackleg and an R for Fusarium wilt. It offers very good early growth and improved standability. Available from Pioneer Hi-Bred sales reps. 

45H74 is a Clearfield hybrid with a yield potential of 123 percent of checks (AWPQ2 and 46A65). It has an R rating for blackleg and Fusarium wilt. It also has outstanding early growth and very good standability. Available from Pioneer Hi-Bred sales reps.   

D3152 is a Roundup Ready hybrid with a yield potential of 126 percent of checks (AWPQ2 and 46A65). It offers multi-race clubroot resistance (Races 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8) from the Pioneer Protector Clubroot resistance trait. It also has an R rating for blackleg and Fusarium wilt. Available from DuPont Crop Protection at select independent and Co-op retailers.

9557S is a Roundup Ready hybrid with a yield potential of 124 percent of checks (AWPQ2 and 46A65). It offers built-in resistance to sclerotinia via the Pioneer Protector Sclerotinia resistance trait. It has solid agronomics and an R rating for blackleg and Fusarium wilt. Available from Viterra retailers.

9558C is a Roundup Ready hybrid with a yield potential of 124 percent of checks (AWPQ2 and 46A65). It offers multi-race clubroot resistance via the Pioneer Protector Clubroot resistance trait. It has solid agronomics and an R rating for blackleg and Fusarium wilt. Available from Viterra retailers.

Pioneer Hi-Bred also recently announced several investments in Canadian facilities to support significant growth in their canola business. Earlier in 2010, the company doubled the size of their seed quality lab in Chatham, Ontario. This facility runs more than 100,000 samples annually, testing germination, vigour, purity, plantability and disease screening. In September, Pioneer announced intentions to build a multi-million dollar parent seed production facility near Wingham, Ontario. While the facility will work with multiple crops, its primary focus will be on Pioneer Hi-Bred’s canola product line.   

VT 500 is a new GENRR hybrid from Viterra’s breeding program. VT 500 offers superior standability and lodging tolerance throughout the growing season, yields 102 percent of 45H21, is rated R to blackleg and Fusarium wilt and is equal to one day later than 45H21 for maturity. VT 500 is available through Viterra.

VT Remarkable is a new GENRR composite hybrid from Viterra’s breeding program. VT Remarkable offers hybrid-like yields, yielding 100 percent of 45H21, offers excellent standability and lodging tolerance throughout the growing season, is equal to one day later than 45H21 for maturity and has an excellent disease package.

VT Barrier is the highest yielding GENRR open pollinated (OP) variety on the market, yielding 90 percent of 45H21. VT Barrier also offers excellent lodging tolerance, is equal to one day later than 45H21 for maturity and is R to Blackleg and Fusarium wilt.

VT Oasis is a new XCEED canola variety from Viterra’s breeding program. VT Oasis yields 107 percent of XCEED 8571, and matures three days earlier than XCEED 8571. VT Oasis has the attributes of XCEED canola, including: excellent lodging tolerance to allow for straight-cut combining, and increased pod-shatter resistance. It is compatible with the Clearfield production system.


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