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The Alberta Wheat Commission announces 2023 executive team

January 26, 2023  By Top Crop Manager

Alberta Wheat Commission. Courtesy of Alberta Wheat Commission

The Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC) announced the 2023 executive team this past week at the CrossRoads Crop Conference in Edmonton, Alta., during its AGM, with Greg Sears appointed chair, Jason Lenz as vice-chair and Shawn Jacula as second vice-chair.

The 2023 executive team is familiar to Alberta wheat farmers as the three farmers worked together on the previous year’s executive. The board of directors supported the continuity of the executive team during the ongoing and future efforts related to the amalgamation of the AWC and Alberta Barley.

“Over the next few months, we look forward to building a well-thought-out platform for the new commission to launch from,” says Greg Sears who farms near Sexsmith, Alta. “As we continue to engage with Alberta Agriculture Products Marketing Council and producers on the final details related to an amalgamated organization, I am honoured to lead the organization in its remaining months as a single commission and keep Alberta farmers’ interests front and center.”

Jason Lenz of Bentley, Alta., says, “It’s been five years in the making that producers have identified their desire to see AWC and Alberta Barley amalgamate to garner efficiencies in producers’ investments, I look forward to completing this critical work and continuing to harness my passions for policy and farmer advocacy in the coming months as vice-chair.”

Second vice-chair Shawn Jacula of Vermilion, Alta., looks forward to seeing AWC in its next chapter, saying, “AWC is proudly delivering a great return on farmers’ investments, and this work will only continue in its future as a formally amalgamated organization with Alberta Barley. Although amalgamation is in the foreground of many discussions, AWC is making profound headway every day in efforts that ensure current and future generations of Alberta wheat farmers can sustain profitability.”

In November 2022, the two commissions received the results of two amalgamation plebiscites where a majority of eligible producers voted in favour of formally merging the AWC and Alberta Barley. Formal amalgamation of the two commissions with an interim board of directors is slated for August 2023, pending minister approval of new regulations.

Following the AGM, the board welcomed new Region 3 director Stewart Oke – appointed by the board, and regional representatives Jesse Meyer, Region 5 and Jason Saunders, Region 1.


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