Top Crop Manager

New products News Corn Diseases Seed & Chemical Soybeans
Syngenta launches soybean and corn seed treatment for Pythium control

August 4, 2021  By Top Crop Manager

On Aug. 3, Syngenta Canada Inc. announced the launch of Vayantis, a next‑generation fungicide seed treatment that provides comprehensive Pythium protection in corn and soybeans.

Vayantis contains picarbutrazox, a new active ingredient from a novel chemical class with no known cross-resistance in soybeans or corn. Picarbutrazox provides higher efficacy on Pythium pathogens at lower use rates than competitors’ products. Field trials show Vayantis protects corn and soybeans against Pythium to help improve seedling emergence – as well as plant stand uniformity – even under heavy disease pressure.

“Vayantis will help growers adopt reduced or low-tillage practices to protect their soil, plant targeted seed populations and avoid costly replants from poor emergence,” says Karen Ullman, seedcare product lead with Syngenta Canada.

Vayantis will be available in a Vayantis IV seed treatment co-pack. The co-pack combines picarbutrazox with three additional modes of action providing protection against Phytophthora and other key early-season diseases.

Ullman adds that genes found in many commercial varieties don’t always provide sufficient protection against all the predominant Phytophthora pathotypes currently found in Canada.

Coupled with genetic resistance, Vayantis IV provides growers with more robust, early season protection against all known Phytophthora pathotypes in Canada.

Interested growers are asked to talk to their local seed suppliers for more information about Vayantis and Vayantis IV, which will be available in 2022.


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