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News Corn
Storing mouldy corn in spring

April 22, 2019  By Field Crop News

Many Ontario farmers affected by high deoxynivalenol (DON) levels during last year’s corn harvest chose to dry and store their high-DON corn instead of sell it at harvest, in the hopes that better marketing opportunities might open up. As the weather gets warmer, spring storage concerns are top of mind for these growers.

James Dyck, engineering specialist in crop systems and environment for Ontario’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), shares corn storage tips to ensure that high-DON corn maintains its quality as the weather gets warmer. Dyck writes that as long as the corn was dry, cool and relatively clean, and aeration fans ran regularly to keep grain temperature low, the chance of significant spoilage over the winter is relatively low. However, the longer corn is kept in the bin, the greater the chance of spoilage. Dyck shares guidelines to maintain corn in storage more carefully during spring. | READ MORE



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