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Signs for the times

To provide farmers with signs that would help them quickly identify tile outlet locations and mark sensitive areas on the farm

November 23, 2007  By Peter Darbishire

signaWorking in partnership with Drainage Superintendents Association of Ontario, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, conservation authorities, farm organizations and individual landowners, Craig Merkley of the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority is responsible for the design and distribution of drainage outlet and drainage inlet signs to individual drainage superintendents, members of the 4 Adopt a Watershed groups and agricultural environmental officers of the Ministry Of Environment. So far about 5000 signs and posts have been distributed. The idea is an initiative of Environment Canada.

“The intent is to provide farmers with signs that would help them quickly identify tile outlet locations and mark sensitive areas on the farm where caution should be taken in the application of manure or other crop inputs that could potentially enter a watercourse through a surface inlet. Knowing the tile outlet locations will help landowners monitor tile flow during manure application to prevent harmful potential accidental spills,” says Merkley. A Liquid Manure Application Tipsheet was distributed along with the tile outlet markers to interested landowners.



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