Top Crop Manager

Inputs: The Podcast
Looking at PSbMV on the Prairies

February 15, 2023
By Top Crop Manager


Pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV), first identified in Canadian field pea breeding lines in 1974, is an economically damaging pathogen affecting pulse crops, including field pea, lentils and fababeans. Its symptoms on pulses include mosaicked leaves, delayed or uneven crop maturation, and various forms of seed and pod deformation.

Dr. Sean Prager, entomologist and associate professor in the department of plant sciences at the University of Saskatchewan. Prager runs a lab that focuses (mainly) on insect ecology and management, and is involved with a project looking at pea aphids as a vector of infection for PSbMV.

In this episode, Prager speaks with Inputs co-host Dylan Sjolie about what PSbMV is and how to recognize it in pulse crops, management options, and the recently funded PSbMV project with which he’s involved.

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