Top Crop Manager

Inputs: The Podcast
Graduate research showcase: Mitigating the wheat yield gap

March 22, 2022
by Gowan Canada


On a global scale, nutrient deficiency is a huge driver of yield gap in wheat production, but other factors – like access to fertilizer and weather conditions – vary depending on region.

In this episode of Inputs, Aiden Sanden, a graduate student at the University of Saskatchewan under the supervision of Dr. Richard Gray, shares details of his studies on mitigating the wheat yield gap. His thesis work aims to determine what the economic optimal allocation of nitrogen fertilizer use is in wheat production. How does the optimal level of nitrogen relate to what producers are actually using, and how does it relate to the yield gap?

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Show notes:

  • Reach out to Aiden Sanden for more information:
  • Hear more on the wheat yield gap from Aiden and other researchers by watching the recorded Top Crop Summit presentation.

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