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Ontario Soybean Growers announces 2008 Young Leader

The Ontario Soybean Growers and Pioneer Hi-Bred International announce that Hugh and Krista Dietrich of Lucan, Ontario, have been chosen to represent Ontario as part of the 2008 Young Leader program.

February 14, 2008  By Ontario Soybean Growers


February 11, 2008

GUELPH, Ont. – The Ontario Soybean Growers and Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc., a subsidiary of DuPont Canada, would like to announce that Hugh and Krista Dietrich of Lucan, ON have been chosen to represent Ontario as part of the 2008 Young Leader program. The Dietrich's, along with their three children farm approximately 2000 acres and operate their own elevator. The Young Leader Program is recognized throughout agriculture for its longstanding tradition of identifying and cultivating the producer leaders who are shaping the soybean industry.

"The Young Leader program is an exceptional leadership training program," says Leo Guilbeault, Chair, Ontario Soybean Growers (OSG).
"This is a tremendous opportunity for participants to learn about personal growth and leadership and network with fellow producers."

Each year one couple or individual are selected from Ontario to participate in the Young Leader Program. The 2008 class of Young Leaders and their spouses will participate in a challenging and educational leadership experience February 26th – March 1, 2008 in Nashville, TN, coinciding with the Commodity Classic Conference and Trade Show. The selection process for the Young Leader program involves an application, open to all soybean

growers across Ontario and an interview with a panel of industry representatives. This leadership program offers the opportunity for participants to enhance their leadership skills as well as meet and learn from other Young leaders from across North America. The second phase of training will take place at Pioneer's Headquarters in Johnston, IA, in early December 2008.

OSG partners with the American Soybean Association and DuPont to offer this program. 2008 marks the 25th anniversary of the program which was developed in to recognize farm leaders that display leadership and enthusiasm within agriculture and in their farming practices.


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