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OMAFRA releases 2019 dry edible bean seasonal summary

January 13, 2020  By Top Crop Manager

OMAFRA has released its 2019 dry edible bean seasonal summary and, while there were some problems with planting, pests and weather, the overall outlook is good.

Acreage of dry beans in 2019 increased approximately 20 per cent over 2018 acreage. This is likely due to the wet, cold spring and the difficulties in planting corn and soybeans, with growers switching to dry beans rather than planting corn and soybeans late.


Emergence varied widely depending on a region’s weather and conditions; adequate moisture resulted in excellent emergence, but wet, cool conditions delayed emergence. The relatively cool, dry conditions in the summer assisted in good yield development, but extreme weather conditions – drought after the wet spring, or hail in October – damaged dry bean crops.

As for insects and diseases, root rot in the early planting stages, increasing incidences of bacterial brown spot, and western bean cutworm were the greatest nuisances this year.

While yield data is not yet available, reports indicate that most dry bean classes had average to better-than-average yields, with dry bean dealers stating the quality is excellent.

The full summary can be read at


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