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New insecticide registrations, updates

There are three new insecticides and one label update for 2015. Information provided by the manufacturers.

TwinGuard – Active ingredients: Isoclast (sulfoxaflor) + spinetoram (Groups 4C + 5). TwinGuard is now registered Canada-wide as a new tool for pome, stone fruit and potato growers. TwinGuard provides fast and effective control of a broad range of sap-feeding and chewing pests through two powerful active ingredients with two different modes of action. TwinGuard is easy to use and is compatible with many fungicides and micro-nutrients. Rates range from 250-500 g/ha. From Dow AgroSciences.

Capture – Active ingredient: bifenthrin (Group 3A). Capture insecticide offers a new unique mode-of-action for control of wireworm damage in potatoes grown for seed, table stock and processing. Capture may be applied once per year to potato crops as an in-furrow planting time treatment. In addition, Capture can take out multiple species of weevil and other hard-to-control pests in raspberries when applied as a foliar application at pre- and post-bloom timings. From FMC Canada.

Delegate – Active ingredient: spinetoram (Group 5). Delegate contains the unique Group 5 mode-of-action, providing quick and effective control of Colorado potato beetle. It is best targeted at the early larval stages. Applications of Delegate can occur up to three times per year, and it has a seven-day pre-harvest interval. Rates are dependent on severity of insect infestations. From Dow AgroSciences.

Label update
Imidan 70-WP – Active ingredient: phosmet (Group 1B). Imidan 70-WP is now registered for control of Spotted Wing Drosophila in crops such as apples, blueberries, grapes, pears, peaches and plums. Imidan is a broad-spectrum insecticide providing quick knockdown of target pests with residual control. It provides minimal disruption to beneficial insects and fits well in integrated pest management programs. Imidan offers an effective alternative in resistance management programs. From Gowan Canada.


April 13, 2015  By Bruce Barker

New insecticides are helping to control insect pests such as wireworm in potatoes. There are three new insecticides and one label update for 2015. Information provided by the manufacturers.


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