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Mycogen new corn hybrids for 2014

Sept. 24, 2013 - Mycogen Seeds has four new grain corn hybrids and four new corn silage hybrids for the 2014 crop year.

The four grain corn hybrids are all available as Dow AgroSciences' Refuge Advanced corn hybrids powered by SmartStax and include the latest in insect protection with the ease of planting a single-bag solution for refuge requirements. The new hybrids include:
- 8380RA is a SmartStax hybrid which is an expert at dealing with difficult growing conditions such as poorly drained or compacted soil conditions as it puts down very strong roots. It is rated at 2850 Crop Heat Units (CHU) and 95 days relative maturity. It also provides good drought tolerance to provide yield stability in lower yield fields. This hybrid emerges strongly in early season.
- 8565RA is a medium height hybrid with excellent stalks, roots and staygreen. This variety has shown very stable performance. It stays intact late in the season so is a good choice if harvest has to be delayed. It is rated at 3125 CHU and 104 relative maturity.
- 8590RA shows consistently high yields with solid agronomics. It is widely adapted for a broad range of soils, with excellent roots and strong stalks. It is a hybrid which maintains good health through the growing season and stays intact late into the season. It is rated at 3150 CHU and 106 days relative maturity.
- 8635RA is one of Mycogen's top yield performers. It is a medium-height hybrid that offers excellent standability. Yield performance is driven by consistent, moderately girthy ears with deep kernels. It also features outstanding root and stalk strength. It is grown in areas which are rated for 3225 CHU and will mature at 108 days relative maturity.

The four new corn silage hybrids include two BMR hybrids, both of which have SmartStax technology, and a new, early maturing TMF silage specific corn hybrid. Mycogen Seeds uses the bm3 gene in all of their BMR hybrids, which has been proven in university trials to deliver superior digestibility and increase milk production. The new hybrids include:
- F2F378 is a medium-tall, full canopy BMR hybrid with excellent tonnage and Neutral Detergent Fibre Digestibility (NDFD). It has good agronomics with very strong roots. It is a SmartStax hybrid which is rated at 2750 Crop Heat Units (CHU) and 95 days relative maturity.
- F2F498 is another SmartStax BMR hybrid with excellent starch levels, ear fill and NDFD scores. It also has good agronomics and strong root systems. It is rated at 2900 CHU, and 99 days relative maturity.
- TMF3105 is a new early TMF hybrid rated at 2475 CHU with an 85 days relative maturity. It produces tall plants with consistent ear fill. It has strong digestibility and starch scores. Its semi-flex ear provides flexibility across variable plant densities and it is a good choice for variable soil types.
- TMF 8699 is a new, long-season TMF hybrid which shows outstanding yield potential in a wide range of soils. It has high tonnage potential due to its excellent stalks, good roots and tall, full canopy. It works consistently from west to east. It is rated at 3250 CHU and a relative maturity of 110 days.

September 24, 2013  By Top Crop Manager


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