Top Crop Manager

News Agronomy Seeding/Planting
Manitoba seeing variable precipitation levels, slower than average seeding pace

May 24, 2023  By Top Crop Manager

Manitoba released its weekly crop report recently, which indicated that precipitation was variable across agro–Manitoba from May 15 to 22 with values ranging from 0 to 13.2 mm. The Northwest region received the lowest amounts of precipitation over the past eight days with 5.4 mm.

Climate normals for total accumulated precipitation from May 1 to 22 ranged from 26.2 to 49.3 mm and are based on 30-year historical data. Areas of the Northwest near Drifting River, and the Southwest along the U.S. border have accumulated near normal precipitation. Most of the Central and Eastern regions have received less than 60 per cent of their normal precipitation amounts.

Much of the province has also seen more than 125 per cent of normal growing degree days between May 1 and 22.


Provincial seeding is at approximately 62 per cent completion, lagging behind the five-year average of 81 per cent for week 21.

Seeding progress across the province is moving at a rapid pace with the recent warm weather. Producers are finishing up planting with 80-95 per cent of spring cereals, 70 per cent of corn, 47 per cent of soybeans and 40 per cent of canola planted. Good emergence is being reported on spring cereals and field peas with the recent warm weather. Winter cereals continued tillering and remained in good to excellent condition with very little winterkill. Fertilizer applications are complete and herbicide applications are ongoing but expected to be completed shortly.


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