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Make the grade this summer

June 15, 2015, Calgary, AB - Alberta Barley, Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC) and Alberta Canola Producers Commission (ACPC) are pleased to invite producers to a one-day workshop designed to provide insight into getting the best grade for their grain.

Called Making the Grade, the July 28th workshop at Olds College will include hands-on sessions from experienced industry speakers on barley, wheat and canola grading and agronomy.

"Over the last year, each of the commissions have received requests from producers for a course that would enable better understanding of grain grading and factors affecting quality," said Terry Young, ACPC and AWC director and member of the wheat subcommittee of the Western Grain Standards Committee. "We created Making the Grade to address those knowledge gaps, and by having the commissions working together, we can ensure producers are getting the best value possible in a one-day seminar."

Producers can look forward to three concurrent workshops focused on canola, wheat and barley, with speakers representing organizations such as the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC), Rahr Malting, and the Canadian International Grains Institute (Cigi). The workshops will focus on hands-on malt barley grading, wheat grading and how your grade affects end-use in international markets, and canola grading and crushing.

The agronomy session (may still be hands on) will cover topics like harvest management, late season pesticide applications, grain storage and more.

Seating is limited for this event and early registration is encouraged. The early bird registration fee is $75 until July 14th, and $100 after July 14th until tickets sell out. Register here.


June 16, 2015  By News release


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