Top Crop Manager

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INTRODUCTION: You had your chance!

With seeding season not far off

November 27, 2007  By Peter Darbishire

With seeding season not far off, hopefully everyone has taken plenty of opportunity
to network during the winter months. It has been a time to think about how to
repeat last year's successes as well as time to discover how to avoid the failures
– at least those within your control!

The network of acquaintances and advisors, suppliers and on-farm colleagues
are among the greatest assets crop producers have: It's a rare individual who
can be a successful farmer independent of these resources.

This issue of Top Crop Manager includes a focus on pulse crops, with
some special features on this crop, which has quickly moved from being a 'break
crop' to being an important third or fourth leg beneath the crop rotation stool.
Indeed, columnist John Harapiak deals with this very subject in this Mid-Spring

The Top Crop Manager Weed Control Guide is also included. One of our
most used reference features, this handy annual brings up-to-date product and
tank-mix efficacy ratings on most common weeds. While time is getting limited
to polish 2006 cropping plans, your contacts made this winter and the advice
they have provided are about to be put into use! I hope you have made the most
of this chance to improve your skills. -30-
Peter Darbishire, Editor



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