Business & Policy
GLASI Priority Subwatershed Project
August 4, 2015 - The Ontario Soil and Crop Association has launched a new Request for Proposals under the Great Lakes Agricultural Stewardship Initiative (GLASI).
The purpose of this RFP is to solicit submissions to administer and assess the effectiveness of soil health and water quality improvement projects through edge-of-field analysis on agricultural landscapes.
This RFP is intended for interested parties located within the GLASI Target Area (Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair watersheds and the Lake Huron southeast shores watershed) who are connected with agriculture and stewardship. Project submissions can include activities extending up to winter 2018.
The successful Applicants’ teams will demonstrate expertise in the delivery of stewardship programs to agricultural producers, in achieving a high level of producer engagement in such programs and in measuring and interpreting the effectiveness of agricultural stewardship.
RFP Submissions will be accepted until noon August 28, 2015.
An information session will be held on August 5th 2015 to address additional questions related to this RFP. Email karen.jacobs@ontariosoilcrop.org if you would like more information about the session.
More detail can be accessed at this link: http://www.ontariosoilcrop.org/docs/glasi_priority_subwatershed_project_rfp.pdf
August 4, 2015 By Top Crop Manager