Seed & Chemical
Foliar fungicide and seed treatment update
A look at the new seed treatments, foliar fungicides and label updates for 2015, with product information provided by the manufacturers.
Seed treatments
Vibrance Quattro seed treatment – Active ingredients: difenoconazole (Group 3), sedaxane (Group 4), metalaxyl-M (and S-isomer) (Group 7), fludioxonil (Group 12). Vibrance Quattro seed treatment is a novel seed care product that brings together four fungicide active ingredients to protect cereal crops against a wide range of seed- and soil-borne disease. For use on barley, oats, rye, triticale, winter wheat and spring wheat, Vibrance Quattro offers growers a convenient way to protect cereal seed and seedlings from seed rots caused by Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Penicllium and Aspergillus spp., as well as seedling blight, root rot and damping off. Its convenient, ready-to-apply formulation means Vibrance Quattro can be applied on-farm and does not require the use of a closed treating system.
Cruiser Vibrance Quattro seed treatment – Active ingredients: thiamethoxam (Group 4), difenoconazole (Group 3), sedaxane (Group 4), metalaxyl-M (and S-isomer) (Group 7), fludioxonil (Group 12). Cruiser Vibrance Quattro seed treatment is a complete seed care solution for western Canadian cereal growers, delivering control of a broad range of seed- and soil-borne diseases and insect pests. For use on barley, oats, rye, triticale, winter wheat and spring wheat, Cruiser Vibrance Quattro delivers Vigor Trigger and Rooting Power benefits for enhanced crop establishment, for a stronger, more vigorous cereal crop. Cruiser Vibrance Quattro may be applied by commercial seed treaters. It is also available in a convenient, pre-mix formulation that can be applied on-farm without the requirement of a closed system.
Helix Vibrance with Fortenza seed treatment – Active ingredients: cyantraniliprole (Group 28), thiamethoxam (Group 4), difenoconazole (Group 3), sedaxane (Group 4), metalaxyl-M (and S-isomer) (Group 7), fludioxonil (Group 12). Helix Vibrance with Fortenza seed treatment is now available to canola growers who want to improve their insect control spectrum. Fortenza is a new seed-applied insecticide for early-season control of cutworm that contains the active ingredient cyantraniliprole – a different chemistry group from those found in many seed care products. The Helix Vibrance with Fortenza combination includes four fungicides and two insecticides, to help control a wide range of soil-borne diseases and insect pests, including cutworms, flea beetles, Rhizoctonia, Pythium and Fusarium. Fortenza is only available for purchase on pre-treated canola seed.
Foliar fungicides
Delaro – Active ingredients: prothioconazole + trifloxystrobin (Groups 3 + 11). Delaro is a broad-spectrum fungicide for peas, lentils, chickpeas and soybeans to be released in Western Canada for the 2015 growing season. It delivers exceptional and long-lasting control of all major stem, pod and leaf diseases that challenge today’s pulse and soybean growers, including ascochyta, anthracnose, white and grey moulds, mycosphaerella blight, Asian soybean rust, frogeye leaf spot, brown spot and stem blight. It also provides suppression of charcoal rot in soybean. Delaro provides quick and long-lasting protection.
Priaxor – Active ingredients: fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin (Groups 7 + 11). Combining the new active ingredient Xemium with the proven benefits of AgCelence, new Priaxor is a broad-spectrum, multiple mode-of-action fungicide for use on a wide range of crops. In addition to controlling key diseases such as blackleg in canola, anthracnose and ascochyta blight in lentils, and mycosphaerella blight and powdery mildew in field peas, Priaxor is also registered for use on chickpeas, fababeans, flax, soybeans, corn and more. Research shows the results Priaxor delivers include more consistent and continuous disease control, increased plant growth efficiency and better management of minor stress, all contributing to higher yield potential.
Label updates
Acapela fungicide – Active ingredient: picoxystrobin Group 11. Acapela is now registered for control of stripe rust in cereal grains, net blotch in barley and anthracnose in lentils. Acapela fungicide is an advanced strobilurin fungicide for disease control in canola, cereals, corn, pulses (peas, lentils, chickpeas and dry beans) and soybeans. Acapela provides broad-spectrum disease control for key diseases like sclerotinia in canola; and leaf rust, powdery mildew, septoria leaf blotch, tan spot, mycosphaerella pinodes (peas), mycosphaerella blight and Asian soybean rust, and suppression of sclerotinia rot (white mould) in pulses and soybeans.
Quilt foliar fungicide – Active ingredients: azoxystrobin (Group 11), propiconazole (Group 3). Quilt foliar fungicide is now labelled to control blackleg infections in canola. Quilt can be applied during the rosette stage between the second true leaf and bolting (two to six leaf) to control blackleg. This broad-spectrum fungicide combines the power of two active ingredients, and together they deliver both systemic and curative properties, as well as provide resistance management. Quilt is particularly effective at controlling disease such as blackleg because of its ability to move within the plant, not only protecting the points of contact, but new plant material as it grows.
Bravo ZN foliar fungicide – Active ingredient: chlorothalonil (Group M-5). Bravo ZN foliar fungicide is now registered for use on pulses, offering growers a new option to control damaging foliar diseases. Bravo ZN is a dependable, broad-spectrum, contact fungicide that includes the unique WeatherStik technology, a patented
surfactant from Syngenta, which maximizes the product’s rainfastness.
Quadris Top foliar fungicide – Active ingredients: azoxystrobin (Group 11), difenoconazole (Group 3). Quadris Top foliar fungicide label has been expanded to help potato growers suppress white mould infections. Quadris Top contains two powerful active ingredients and provides highly effective protection against target diseases. And, because of translaminar and xylem-systemic movement, Quadris Top protects better than a contact fungicide.
Propulse foliar fungicide – Active ingredients: fluopyram (Group 7), prothioconzale (Group 3). Propulse fungicide is now registered on fababean and for control of anthracnose in dry beans. Propulse provides unparalleled disease control with best-in-class protection against the most serious dry bean diseases, including white mould (sclerotinia) and ascochyta. With two modes of action, Propulse combines the new fluopyram (Group 7) with the proven defense of prothioconazole (Group 3), offering exceptional yields and unparalleled disease protection.
Rampart – Active ingredient: Mono- and dipotassium salts of phosphorous acid (Group 33). The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has now approved foliar and aerial application of Rampart for the suppression of late blight and pink rot in potatoes. The label expansion also includes downy mildew suppression in blackberries.
Folicur and Prosaro foliar fungicide sequential application. The Folicur and Prosaro labels have been updated to allow application of Folicur at the flag leaf followed by Prosaro at head timing. This sequential application is important in areas conducive for high and extended disease pressure. The first application helps protect against common leaf diseases while the second application extends protection against leaf diseases and Fusarium head blight.
April 13, 2015 By Bruce Barker