Top Crop Manager

News Business Management
FMC welcomes online reviews for crop protection products

January 31, 2023  By Top Crop Manager

For what FMC says is the first time ever on a Canadian crop protection company website, farmers can rate products, significantly changing how crop producers do research and share knowledge.

“Where better to hear about the effectiveness of a herbicide or insecticide than from a fellow grower who is facing the same pest problems?” says Krista Henry, marketing communications manager at FMC.

Whether the review is great, good, or poor, customers will be able to use grower reviews to judge for themselves which FMC products fit best in their situation. Consumers have been relying on unbiased online product reviews for many years to make purchasing decisions, so clearly there is value to hear directly from fellow customers.


“We believe we are the first crop protection company in Canada to offer an online review platform for customers to report on their first-hand experience with an FMC product,” says Henry.

Each review goes through a minimal moderation filter. Crop protection companies abide by a strict code of conduct set out by the PMRA that needs to be taken into consideration, such as abiding by labeled use patterns. Other than that, reviews are approved, even if they are not favourable.

The review functionality on has been open for approximately eight months.


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