Rural Women’s Studies Association Triennial Conference
May 11 - May 15, 2021
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A virtual conference hosted by the University of Guelph
“Kitchen Table Talk to Global Forum”
Due to the circumstances resulting from COVID-19, the 2021 RWSA Triennial Conference is going virtual. Although we regret that we cannot meet in person as originally planned, we are excited about the opportunity to host a virtual conference that allows for a more diverse range of panel presentations and participants.
The theme “Kitchen Table Talk to Global Forum” emphasizes how conversations, relationships, and food shape rural communities. This theme allows for the consideration of the ways that gendered, sexual, ethnic, and racial identities affect personal power, class consciousness, individual choice, and community development. These subjects lend themselves to the exploration of rural activism, social justice, innovation, politics, business development, cultural expression, self-governance, and collective experiences — both historical and contemporary — in local, regional, national, and global settings.
RWSA is an international association founded in 1997 to promote and advance farm and rural women’s/gender studies in a historical perspective by encouraging research, promoting scholarship, and establishing and maintaining links with organizations that share these goals. RWSA welcomes public historians and archivists, graduate students, and representatives of rural organizations and communities as conference participants and members, in addition to academic scholars from diverse fields, including sociology, anthropology, literature and languages, Indigenous Studies, and history.
Deadline to register is May 9 at midnight. Register today!
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