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CropLife to assist in restoration of pollinator-friendly habitat

Apr. 21, 2014 - The restoration of pollinator-friendly habitat in southwestern Ontario will be the focus of a new partnership between CropLife Canada and the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC).

The project involves the restoration of a 10 acre (4 hectare) field, owned by NCC in Norfolk County.

The field will be planted with approximately 60 plant species that are native to the area. The plants will flower at varying times during the growing season to attract and accommodate a rich variety of pollinators.

According to CropLife Canada, conservation of pollinators is a key element to protecting biodiversity, and that their daily work is essential for more than $1 billion of Canadian farm produce.

At one NCC property that is approximately six kilometers away from this new restoration site, a university researcher looking at pollinator populations found almost 100 species of bees, along with many other pollinators, were present and actively using the property within several years of restoration.

"We see this project as an important opportunity to help protect Canada's biodiversity and pollinators, including the honeybee, which our industry relies on," says Pierre Petelle, vice-president, chemistry for CropLife Canada.


April 21, 2014  By Top Crop Manager


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