Canadian Water Summit June 27, Calgary
June 4, 2013, Calgary, AB - This year's Canadian Water Summit will include a session relating to agriculture water issues in Canada.
Since 2009, the Canadian Water Summit has served as a collaborative forum for leaders from diverse sectors to share insights and further a united mission: to build a sustainable water future for Canada. Drawing on the UN theme of the International Year of Water Cooperation, the 2013 Canadian Water Summit, hosted in Calgary on June 27, 2013, will explore how organizations across sectors and across geographies are working together to drive innovation in water and prosperity in their communities.
Water management collaboration in agriculture is critical in the face of a changing climate. The speakers in this special session will delve into their experiences creating long-term, inclusive water management solutions. Speakers will include Susan Davis Schuetz, Alberta WaterSMART/Co-operative Stormwater Management Initiative; Mike Nemeth, Environmental Specialist, Alberta WaterSMART; Mike Kelly, Special Advisor, Alberta WaterSMART.
Additional sessions will focus on Collaboration in Energy and Water, and Collaboration in Cities and Water.
For more information or to register, visit Canadian Water Summit.
June 4, 2013 By Top Crop Manager