Top Crop Manager

Features Agronomy Cereals
Stripe rust in Alberta update

July 10, 2014 - Alberta producers are being encouraged to routinely monitor their winter wheat fields for stripe rust, as the disease continues to spread through commercial winter wheat fields. It has now been reported in southern Alberta, in Lacombe/Red Deer/Olds, in Whitecourt/Edson and in Beaverlodge.

Significant levels of stripe rust were reported last week in a few spring-seeded wheat fields in the Lacombe/Red Deer/Olds region, as well as were some barley fields with significant and potentially damaging levels of scald disease. As well, tan spot is appearing in some wheat fields in southern Alberta.

Scouting of spring cereals for stripe rust, and other leaf diseases is urgently recommended all across the cereal production areas of Alberta.



July 8, 2014  By Top Crop Manager


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