BASF introduces new tool to control cleavers
Following the establishment of an international maximum residue limit for quinclorac, BASF will introduce its Facet L herbicide for the 2019 growing season to help Western Canada canola growers control cleavers.
August 29, 2018 By Top Crop Manager
BASF worked alongside industry stakeholders, like the Canola Council of Canada, in the development phase ensuring the MRL was in place before the company released their new quinclorac-herbicide.
Facet L provides both burndown and residual control and is compatible with any herbicide tolerant canola system in a liquid formulation. The application window (pre-seed/pre-emerge up to the 6-leaf stage in canola) provides growers the flexibility to control cleavers when they want without having to switch products if they can’t do a pre-seed application, according to a release by BASF.
Growers should consult with their grain handlers prior to application to ensure marketability of their crop. For more information on an early-season application of Facet L herbicide, contact AgSolutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273) or visit