Alberta harvest makes substantial gains
Sept. 26, 2014 - Good weather with above average temperatures throughout Alberta provided the opportunity for producers to make substantial harvest progress following almost two weeks of cool, sometimes wet conditions.
According to the province's latest crop report, provincially, 27 per cent of crops are in the swath with 52 per cent harvested. Harvest progress is in line with the five-year average of 26 per cent swathed and 50 per cent harvested but well behind the progress of the past two years of 71 per cent combined in 2013 and 62 per cent in 2012.
But, harvest progress is being hampered in areas of the south, central and northwest regions which received the heavy, wet snow earlier in the month causing standing crops to lodge severely.
Yield estimates continue to improve in all regions as more harvest information becomes available and are projected to be the second highest year on record though well below the spectacular yields of 2013.
September 29, 2014 By Top Crop Manager