Top Crop Manager

Corvus herbicide available for Eastern Canadian corn growers

January 27, 2022  By Top Crop Manager

The crop science division of Bayer announced Corvus herbicide is now commercially available for growers in Eastern Canada, offering season-long control of a broad spectrum of broadleaf and grass weeds, including glyphosate-resistant weeds in field corn and seed corn.

According to a press release from Bayer, Corvus delivers three levels of defense to fight weeds: rapid burndown for early weeds, residual control to prevent newly emerging weeds, and reactivation with rain for prolonged weed management.

“[Corvus] combines two trusted modes of action – Group 2 and Group 27 – to eliminate a broad spectrum of weeds, and can be applied pre-emerge, pre-plant incorporated or early post-emerge (2-leaf) to maximize usability.”

The company says Corvus provides flexibility in both application timing and tank-mix options and works well in combination with both atrazine and Roundup-branded herbicides. The product has been used in the United States for 10 years, and testing with Corvus has been conducted on Eastern Canadian farms for results under local conditions. According to the press release, the Eastern Canada research trials showed Corvus, when tank-mixed with atrazine, provided 91 per cent control of a broad spectrum of tough broadleaf and grassy weeds 28 days after application.

Corvus is available in Eastern Canada for the 2022 growing season. Growers are encouraged to talk to their local Bayer representative to learn more, or visit


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